How unlucky can a young lad get? By having a toilet of doom and some evil underpants! FMI illustrator Donough O' Malley shows us some of his artwork for the re-editions of the hugely popular and funny Jiggy McCue series by Michael Lawrence.

Every young lad can get the notion that the world is against him, and sometimes they can be right. Especially if you are Jiggy and his friends who have all sorts of mishaps fall upon them. From body swapping shenanigans to evil y-fronts with a mind of their own, Jiggy has a lot on his plate.

The Toilet of Doom and The Killer Underpants were re-released last month by Orchard books, and they were great fun to illustrate. Getting to use a loose and scratchy ink line, the scenarios were wide and varied with the only stipulation that the reader never gets to see Jiggy's face.

The series of books, created by Michael Lawrence, has been phenomenally successful with these two just the latest version in reprints. I had previously worked on a book for Michael with Barrington Stoke, so I knew his style of writing, which I love. Imaginative and just a little bit bonkers. Just what I like.

I'm hoping to see more of Jiggy in the future, not just because they are great stories(check out the reviews) but are really fun to work on!