I am delighted to announce the publication of my second picture book, Daisy Doodles (OUP) which has been a truly collaborative project.
Take one original idea from Pete Marley at OUP; add story and words by award winning author Michelle Robinson; have a day on location with photographer Tom Weller; mix together with my illustrations and digital wizardry to make a lovely little picture book!
The story centres on a real little girl, 'Daisy', who just loves to draw, finding herself stuck inside on a rainy day inventing a little friend in the shape of a very creative mouse, Pipsqueak. When magically comes to life, they embark in whirl of creativity which spills over into a fantasy world where they join their creations as illustrations themselves for an adventure, before they arrive home again to a bit of an untidy room and an understanding mum!
It was decided from the start that we would use photography for the 'real' world where we see Daisy drawing and playing, employing soft muted tones to reflect the rainy day mood, then switching to illustration in vivid colour when we enter little girl's imaginary play.
This was a very different type of book for me to work on as it involved not only the story boarding and and illustration, but for the photographic scenes, props were made, scenes planned, and photoshop skills employed alongside traditional drawing techniques to make the final spreads. Not to mention working with Kate and Pete at OUP, and the incredibly talented Phoebe who was perfect taking on the role of Daisy!
It was a real team effort which was a lot of fun, and has come together as 'Daisy Doodles', a lovely story which celebrates creative play and a child's imagination, whilst encouraging creative activities for young readers too.