Having already done some regular covers for the good people at Wine Republic magazine, it wasn't a total surprise when I got the call from the editor.
The magazine is based in Argentina, where being in the southern hemisphere, it is currently winter. No doubt the weather is still probably better than here, but it also means ski season in the Andes.
The brief was, well, brief. "We're doing an article on skiing, and on dinosaurs. What do you think?" It took me a whole one minute to start with the general ideas. Dinos on ice.
Just to point out that as well as having amazing skiing in winter, Argentina is a treasure trove of dino fossils, hence the combination of the two for the article, which you can read here.
This was one of my favourite jobs of recent, as it combined the field of editorial work which I love, with the childlike imagery I also adore doing for kids books. Work on the next issue of the magazine should start soon, and who knows what I will be doing for that one. But it will be hard to top these little guys.