This is a little project I've been beavering away on of late, just a bit of fun to amuse myself and escape a bit from briefs and editorials. The idea originally came to me while on a trip in the foothills of the Andes ages ago. In South America the main way of travelling is by incredibly long bus journeys (32 hours was my longest) so that gave plenty of time for an idea to germinate. Of course being back home and finding the time to actually do it is another story.
I call it 'What's in the woods' and it's a story about a young boy who, like kids universal, ignores his parents orders and goes into the woods he's not allowed to. Once in among the trees and the eery quiet, little Wendel is not so sure it was a good idea to come here. After hearing a loud snap of a twig he turns to find...a thing.
But this thing was like nothing he had seen before. Wendel can think of only one person who might know what this thing is, his Dad, who sets out with a trusty encyclopaedia of rare creatures to find a name for the thing.
Will Wendel find out what the thing is or where it's from? What will he do when he does? Will the thing devour his stock of gooseberry jam?
I know what happens, but if you want to find out you'll have to ask me nicely.
Donough O'Malley
Donough on Illustrativo.Tweet