'Nativity' - Jane Eccles.
Visit: Jane's Folksy shop, Jane's Blogs, Jane on Twitter, and Jane Eccles Blog Spot.
Visit: Henning's Website, Henning's Blogs and Lohlein News
'Star Chaser' Christmas card published by The Art Group - Mandy Pritty
Visit: Mandy's Website, Mandy's Amazon and Mandy's All Posters
'Christmas House' - Jane Eccles
Visit: Valentina's Website and Valentina's Blogs
'Star Turn' Christmas card published by The Art Group - Mandy Pritty
'Gilbert Seeing Stars' FM Illustration christmas card 2010 - Jill Latter
Visit: Jill's Website and Jill's Blogs
'Snowflakes' - Donough O'Malley
Visit: Donough's Website, Donough's Blogs, Donough's NY Sketch Book on Scamp Illustration Blog and Donough on Illustration Mundo
We are delighted to have some of these illustrations on Illustration Rally (Christmas Rally 16, 22 & 23) - A must see illustration blog! Many thanks to the talented illustrator Natsuki Otani.
Visit: Natsuki on Twitter, Illustration Rally on Twitter and Natsuki on Society 6